About Medical Billing and Other Related Services for Behavioral Health Therapists

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If you are a Behavioral Health Therapist and feel overwhelmed trying to handle all the details of your practice, I understand your pain!!

DOLLARS & SEN$E is me, Nadene Vigoda. For many years I worked in Mental Health practices, on both the clinical side and the administrative side. I recognize all the time you devote to non-clinical issues, as well as the many hats you wear to run a successful practice. This is where I can be of assistance and bring relief to you and your practice. Think of me as your on-call/as needed “Business/Practice Manager” who can handle all the essential details of your practice – so you can focus on what’s important to you.

I provide top-notch Medical Billing services to therapists, as well as many related services. Choose only the services you need and free your time to tend to other income-producing matters.

You may want to consider the services of DOLLARS & SEN$E for your Behavioral Health practice if you need any of the following:

checkMedical Billing





Enrolling providers with insurance companies


Setting up electronic billing

checkSetting up electronic payments and/or electronic EOBs

checkTracking your accounts receivable to assure your cash flow is flowing


Following-up on denied/unpaid claims, or other issues

checkDeveloping “Financial Policies & Procedures” for your practice

checkCoaching to manage business expenses vs revenue

checkConsulting for start-up services

checkDesigning a system for paperwork flow for your practice

checkCreating & designing (or re-designing) forms for your practice

checkFiling Appeals

checkCompleting a “Back Billing” project — to get your practice caught up